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Who is Yuuki?

I'm an aspiring left-handed artist who continues to experiment on drawings to find my own style. I juggle my time between being a student and indulging in my hobbies, where drawing is a major include. As you might observe from the majority of my posts, I'm an avid fan of Japanese anime, and I'm quite influenced by that when it comes to my art style.

What is Yuuki's Sketchpad?

This website is made to actively show other aspiring artists like me, that improvement in doing what you love is not so far-fetched, if you just practice. At the same time, others can now browse my artworks in just a few clicks, as if they're just holding my sketchpad in their hands. Regarding my drawings, while I enjoy this hobby of mine, I'm still humbly learning and desire improvement. I welcome constructive criticism, so if you might suggest a change regarding anything that caught your eye, I'll deeply appreciate the help. Another thing, You may also request a character you want me to try drawing and posting! Contact me anytime through a message once you scroll down a bit, or find me on my social media accounts!

Why "Yuuki?"


                                                         Lastly, if you're wondering, no Yuuki isn't my real name. After referring to myself as Yuuki in an Amino account when I was still active there, I continued to use it as a nickname in this field. Why? It's simply because the Japanese meaning sounds so inspiring to me: courage. Hoping that it'd give me courage in a lot of other things, not just in drawing, I continue to march on as Yuuki.

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