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Fujioka Haruhi Fanart

Since childhood, I love jeans, color blue, and playing with toy cars. I always refuse to wear any outdoor shorts, dresses/skirts (aside from school uniform,) or cutesy hairstyles. I thought of myself as boyish, but now that I think about it, maybe I just have a conservative personality. What do you think?

"Besides, it doesn't really matter, does it? Why should I care about appearances and labels anyway. It's what's on the inside that counts."
Straw hats

Hi, welcome to a page of my sketchpad!

Today’s character is from Ouran High School Host Club! I just realized—as I post fanarts about various characters, somehow I get to make short reviews about her or the anime itself. I can’t make a full-scale review everytime though, since of course I don’t have enough time for that. Anyways, about Haruhi-chan. For me she has one of the best personalities on my impression. The fact that she’s not a damsel in distress but not necessarily super righteous as a main character really pulls the exact strings of my preference in protagonists. How do I say this, I feel like I understand her father’s feelings of admiration for her ^^. I’m disappointed, however, that I don’t think I was able to portray her personality in my fanart.

I'm most proud of

Haruhi’s eyes and hair. And maybe the clothes as well. The brown of her hair looks so smooth and it looks great with the drawing appearance I’m satisfied with beforehand. I have the same comment for the eyes. I think it’s the first time I’m actually happy about the white highlight on the iris? Lastly, the clothes. I think it looks good (in my standards) but to be honest, this made my head hurt literally. Once again, I needed to experiment and compromise due to the lack of correct color shades in my art materials, a.k.a color pencils. There I rubbed slabs of purple, blue, pink, another shade of purple, etc. I’m not even sure of the order. Afterwards, I was frustrated that it didn’t looks smooth enough, the color blending, so I made obvious vertical and horizontal strokes to somehow make an effect shouting “These are fabrics! You understand?!” And it worked, one way or another. Now I can look at it and smile—with a slight sigh though.

I'm not happy about

uhm....the pose. What the hell’s with that pose!? xD Man, it looks so stiff and awkward to look at smh. Is she pointing at something? Is she talking to someone and indicating a direction? Is she playing pretend-gun!? Omg self, for real what happened.. In addition to that, I wonder what happened to the her shirt’s collar as well. It looks too big and baggy! As I mentioned a while ago, I was gonna complain or rant about the coloring of the clothes too, but it actually looks pretty decent afterwards. The process just stressed me out, man.

As always, thank you for visiting my post, and putting up with my lack of vocabulary, which is practically just rants—ft. my low self-confidence. I’m thinking of drawing Renge too...wait nevermind, her hair’s too tricky. If I were to choose from other OHSHC characters, maybe Éclair would be more probable to draw. Well, let’s see next time!

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Hi, Yuuki here!

I hope you like my artworks. I am an aspiring left-handed traditional artist, with a major obsession in anime.

Click "Read More" for more details about me.

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