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Hua Mulan as Anime Girl

When I first watched the Mulan Disney film, I wondered why Mulan's considered as a Disney princess. She's not from royalty or married to royalty right? Despite that, I personally truly accept her as one because her unique character is part of what I love about her story.

"I have to do something."
Straw hats

Hi, welcome to a page of my sketchpad!

Until now, I forgot that I haven't watched Mulan II at all. Too bad I can't check it out any time soon, because 4th quarter will be starting in days. Omg it'll truly be the last quarter of online classes! Well, rather than that, I'm happy our section pulled off our Thematic Activity for 3rd quarter, particularly our group which is the only one that didn't go to a groupmate's house. The preparations were hectic because the activity is a Live Cooking Show qwq. But as I said, we nailed it! We can finally rest easy, and have a few days for lazy days. In these four days, I know we're gonna start feeling the fatigue, but we can finally do the leisure activities we want! Getting my missed doses of anime, for example, and making more of my drawings <3.

I'm most proud of

how I colored Mulan's dress. Maybe excluding the blue part though, because I can clearly see the strokes of the color pencils I used. Anyways, I love the effect of using different shades of blue for the shadows.

I'm not happy about

how I failed to smoothen out Mulan's black hair. I'm satisfied of the slight highlights at the edges though. Also, after coloring, I can't really comprehend what's going on with the lower part of her dress. Maybe if I drew it a little longer or smaller frills, it'd look better?

To be honest, Mulan's sketch and outlined versions were already finished last year, after Rapunzel's artwork. I just became too preoccupied when we worked on our Teresian Comrades Club, then resumed classes days after. But now that we finally have rest days again, I was able to finish this piece! I might post another fanart today, because I'm in the middle of coloring the next one. I just love rest days.

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Hi, Yuuki here!

I hope you like my artworks. I am an aspiring left-handed traditional artist, with a major obsession in anime.

Click "Read More" for more details about me.

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